Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

Psychothérapie Intégrative: Formations et ateliers


Affect Confusion, Cumulative Trauma, and Attachment Disruptions: Psychotherapy for Borderline Disorders

Richard Erskine, Ph.D. hosted by: nscience UK

A Two-Day Training Course : Friday and Saturday, November 10 & 11, 2017
London, UK

For many therapists, borderline clients present unique professional challenges owing to their frequent relational conflicts, varying developmental levels of transference, and polarization of emotions, such as : idealization and hate, elation and despair, anger and dependency.

This two-day training course will provide:

· diagnostic perspectives on Attachment Disruptions,

· an understanding of the aetiology of Early Affect-Confusion and the formation of the Borderline Personality,

· the therapeutic use of treatment contracts,

· the significance of an attuned therapeutic relationship, and

· a working knowledge of when and how to use behavioural interventions and/or supportive age regression.

Dr. Erskine will help us comprehend practical methods that are effective in psychotherapy for borderline disorders including:

· methods of transference resolution and countertransference identification,

· the bifurcation of therapeutically relevant challenges,

· calibrating for juxtaposition reactions,

· responding to oscillating relational-needs, and

· the importance of a sustained phenomenological inquiry and affect attunement.

Suggested readings in preparation for this workshop include:

Beyond Empathy: A Therapy of Contact in Relationship

by Richard Erskine, Janet Moursund, and Rebecca Trautmann, 1999,

Relational Patterns, Therapeutic Presence , by Richard G. Erskine, 2015.

Both of these books are available through


Contacter: Helen Smith, nScienceUK
Tél: +44 (0) 20 7096 1722
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L'Institut de Psychothérapie Integrative est agréée par l ' American Psychological Association pour offrir un enseignement continu aux psychologues ; le National Board of Certified Counselors pour les conseillers et l' American Board of Examiners in Pastoral Counseling pour les Conseillers Pastoraux. L'Institut de Psychothérapie Intégrative reste responsable de ses programmes.