Psychothérapie Intégrative: Formations et ateliers

Unconscious Relational Patterns,Cumulative Neglect, and Therapeutic Involvement
Dr. Richard G. Erskine
Sponsored by “Bubera” Association “Belcounsel”, and
National Association for Transactional Analysis of Serbia – NATAS.
3-hours each day
Western Europe = 6:00-9:00pm; UK = 17:00-20:00;
NA Pacific time 9:00 am to 12:00 noon; NA Eastern time 12:00 noon to 3:00 pm

Unconscious systems of psychological organization and self-regulation are developed by our clients as a consequence of cumulative failures in significant, dependent relationships. Unconscious relational patterns may be ‘perceived’ by the client as physiological tensions, incomprehensible affects, longings and repulsions. In this context, the therapist’s sensitivity to and understanding of unconscious experiential conclusions, and the unique relational nature of therapeutic involvement is essential for an in-depth therapy of archaic relational patterns, current relational disturbances and fixated systems of psychological organization.
Unconscious processes permeate the therapeutic relationship and form the basis of both transference and countertransference. Unconscious processes involve prelinguistic memories, never-languaged emotional experiences, the "untalkedaboutable", survival reactions and conclusions, implicit procedural memories, and denied explicit memories. Such unconscious processes are expressed through psychological enactments and the transference and countertransference dyad as compliance, projection and identification as well as the psychotherapist's emotional presence and "therapeutic free association". Presymbolic experience, implicit memory and repressed explicit memory all constitute unconscious process. A comprehensive psychotherapy involves making what is unconscious, conscious.
Through lecture, case vignettes and clinical discussions we will explore various aspects of unconscious processes. Emphasises will be placed on how early attachments are formed through physiological survival reactions, implicit conclusions, explicit decisions, and introjections at various stages in the process of development.
Zvonko (Zvonimir Ninić);
Phone/Text/Viber/WhatsApp: +38163249239
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