Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy

Workshops di Psicoterapia Integrativa


Professional Development Seminar in Relational/Integrative Psychotherapy

Richard G. Erskine & Amaia Mauriz-Etxabe
BIOS Psychotherapy Training Institute: Bilbao, Spain

A 5-day Professional Seminar: Thursday, September 14 to Monday, September 18, 2017
Bilbao, Spain

This seminar is designed to provide the experienced psychotherapist with a dialogical forum to discuss advanced theory and methods of a relational and integrative psychotherapy. Richard Erskine and Amaia Mauriz-Etxabe will teach selected concepts of in-depth psychotherapy and will also lead seminar members in discussions focused on how the concepts and methods can be used in each participant’s clinical practice. Seminar members will be expected to discuss cases from their own clinical practice, present ideas that they are developing, rehearse conference presentations, read and discuss selected professional article, and to actively engage in the development of Relational/Integrative Psychotherapy.

Contatti: Amaia Mauriz Etxabe, Dtra.
Instituto Bios, Psicólogos
C./ Bertendona n.1, planta baja derecha
4008 Bilbao.
País Vasco /España
Tel: +34 944219408; +34 944215732; +34 688887700
Web page:
The workshop will be in Spanish and English with professional simultaneous translation.
This course will provide 30 hours of training credit towards certification as an Integrative Psychotherapist by the Commission on Standards and Certification of the International Integrative Psychotherapy Association
L’Istituto di Psicoterapia Integrativa è approvato dalla Associazione di Psicologia Americana per il patrocinio della formazione continua per psicologi, dal Comitato Nazionale di Counselor Certificati e dal Comitato Americano di Esaminatori nel Counselling pastorale per Counselors Pastorali. L’Istituto di Psicoterapia Integrativa mantiene responsabilità per questo programma ed i suoi contenuti.